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Digital access

Ernest, the university’s virtual workplace, will be your study companion throughout your career at the University of Strasbourg. Ernest is three things in one: a workstation, a social and collaborative platform and an intranet.

Ernest is available to all students registered at the university, as well as to teachers, researchers and administrative staff.

To connect, you simply use your usual Unistra log-ins. New staff and students will need first to select Activation du compte.

Good to know

Attend lectures and workshops about digital technology

A vast programme of lectures, workshops and courses on all questions relating to digital technology is offered throughout the year at the Centre de culture numérique (CCN) and online.


Logo du CNRS
Logo Établissement associé de l'Université de Strasbourg
Logo du réseau Epicur
Logo de EUCOR, Le Campus européen
Logo de l'Inserm Grand Est
Logo de l'Inria


Logo du label Bienvenue en France
Logo du programme HRS4R
Logo du programme France 2030
Logo de Service Public+
Logo du Label DDRS


Logo de France Universités
Logo de la Ligue européenne des universités de recherche (LERU)
Logo du réseau Udice
Logo de l'Université franco-allemande